Category: Digital Citizenship
We’ve had lots of discussion about how instructors are handling or should handle screens in the classroom. Now comes this fascinating article from The New York Times: Perfectly timed for the start of...
Web 2.0 technologies, such as blogging, allow for locally developed, cost-effective, and holistic alternative portfolio assessment systems. By enhancing critical reflection and fostering social interaction, blogging portfolios or bPortfolios become integral formative and summative assessment tools for all teacher education students enrolled in a university program. Blogging platforms such as are free to use […]
This is a simple example of a digital citizenship poster that my students create to demonstrate competency on ISTE NETS for Teachers Standard 4. Students work through a short WebQuest where they review digital citizenship elements and then create a Glogster poster that they can share with students or parents. Glogster has a feature to […]