Category: Instructional Tech Roundtable
We’ve had lots of discussion about how instructors are handling or should handle screens in the classroom. Now comes this fascinating article from The New York Times: Perfectly timed for the start of...
Hello, NWACCers! It was great to see many of you last week in Portland. Every year the LMS is a big topic of conversation at our roundtable. Since the entire state of Washington seems...
2015 Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies A component of NWACC’s Instructional Technology program, the Award for Innovation in Educational Technologies recognizes instructional technologists and faculty members at NWACC member institutions who have displayed innovation in the...
Thanks to all who participated in this year’s NWACC Instructional Technology Roundtable. Hopefully everyone was able to take away something useful from the event. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to fill...
Join the new Google Community for NWACC Instructional Tech members.
This is your chance to share your work with the whole group at the 2013 Roundtable! It can be an innovative practice on your campus, a great new tool, or anything else you think...
Roundtable 2013 planning is underway. Give us your ideas for presentations, roundtable discussions and keynote speakers in the 2013 roundtable planning forum. Have an idea for a Spring/Summer NWACC IT mid-year event? Post it...
Here is a link to the google doc from the Friday 10 am breakout:; feel free to link to RT agenda as needed:
We’re gearing up for the next Roundtable this November 14-16 hosted at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. The program will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 14 and end at 12:00 p.m. of...