Digital Learning Spaces: Lessons from the MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh

Digital Learning Spaces:

Lessons from the MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh 

Jen Ross, University of Edinburgh

Monday, April 15

Noon – 1:30 PM

Seattle Pacific University Library Seminar Room


jen_jan12_med4_smEvery course design is philosophy and belief in action.  This is no less true – indeed it may be truer – in courses with a significant digital dimension.  Online courses can be designed to invite particular kinds of participation, to take particular sorts of approaches to knowledge.  But, like the physical classroom, they do more than embody the pedagogical values of the teacher – they are also greatly affected by the nature of the environments in which teaching and learning take place.  In this talk, Jen will reflect on the experiences of teachers and students on the wholly distance MSc in E-learning programme, exploring issues such as how being at but not in Edinburgh affects students and how the values and educational philosophies of teachers on the programme impact, and are impacted by, the learning spaces they use and create.

Jen is the programme director of the fully online MSc in Digital Education programme at the University of Edinburgh, co-author of the Manifesto for Teaching Online, and co-organiser of the Coursera MOOC “E-learning and Digital Cultures”.  Her teaching and research concerns digital education now and in the future, online identity, and how cultural and educational institutions are changing in the digital age.  The evolving meaning of space and place is one of the most interesting topics in digital and distance learning at the moment, and Jen’s visit to SPU will focus on these and other issues relating to a broader theme of active learning spaces.

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