Roundtable 2024

Instructional Technology Roundtable 2024:
Humanizing Education

November 6-8, 2024
Courtyard City Center
550 SW Oak St
Portland, OR 97204

Wednesday, November 6

4:30 Check-in begins – Meet and Greet at the hotel – Conference Level

5:30 Welcome & Dinner  – Park Ballroom – Hae

6:00 Keynote: What Humanizing Means Now – Michelle Pacansky-Brock
As we move forward from COVID, we continue to see increases in loneliness and burnout. With more students opting for online classes and AI capsizing our traditional approaches, emotions are piqued among faculty, staff, and students. How do we best support teaching and learning through this era of disruption and uncertainty? This presentation will provide an overview of the evolution of humanizing, an instruction model scaling in California, and couch it within our current challenges to help us collectively identify what humanizing means to higher education now.

Thursday, November 7

8:00 Breakfast

8:30 Welcome & Getting on the Same Page – Park Ballroom 

8:45 Speed Networking and CrowdSourcing – Park Ballroom 
Get acquainted with your friends and colleagues at other institutions by discussing common issues around humanizing, technological changes, and building connections.

10:00   Break

10:30   Breakout Sessions: Hot Topics

11:30 – 1:00 lunch

1:00   Breakout Sessions: Hot Topics

2:00 Break

2:15 Three-Minute Presentations – Park Ballroom
This is your chance to share tidbits from your work with the whole group! Sign up to present an innovative practice on your campus, a recent accomplishment, lessons learned from great challenges, or anything else you think the group should know about. The three-minute time limit will be strictly enforced.

3:15 Three-More Minutes – Park Ballroom 
Three minutes goes really really fast – this additional session provides opportunities to ask questions of any of the three-minute presenters.

3:45 Connection time

5:00 Optional Dinner with Colleagues

Friday, November 8

8:00 Breakfast

8:30 Plenary:

9:30 Break

9:45 Plenary:

10:45 Break

11:00 Plenary Session: Looking Ahead and Circling Back 
Return of the NWACCo Award

11:30 Adjourn