Reblogged from manifesto for teaching online: and we’re going with it! We’ve been invited to run an afternoon ‘unconference’ workshop at the end of the Sloan-C/MERLOT Emerging Technologies for Online Learning conference in Las Vegas on 27 July. Jen will be there in person, and Hamish, Clara and Sian will be collaborating at a distance. […]
What are important characteristics of a good education app? Okay, free is good. I will give you that one. What else? For me, I love ubiquitous apps, or in other words, programs that work on all my devices, including my phone, my iPad, and my computer. I also prefer apps that allow me to access […]
This is a simple example of a digital citizenship poster that my students create to demonstrate competency on ISTE NETS for Teachers Standard 4. Students work through a short WebQuest where they review digital citizenship elements and then create a Glogster poster that they can share with students or parents. Glogster has a feature to […]
Student Thoughts on Active Learning Space I am teaching an educational technology course in SPU’s new active learning space classroom.* The course is taught in a blended format so we will spend about 30% of the instructional time face-to-face in this classroom. That works out to be three three-hour sessions. In our first face-to-face class […]
A few years ago Seattle Pacific University’s Dean’s Cabinet asked me to put together a list of eLearning tools that faculty can use if classes are cancelled due to inclement weather. Today’s snowy weather along with a prompting from my boss encouraged me to share an updated version with SPU faculty. Instructional Technology Services provides […]
In this screencast, David Wicks addresses six questions faculty may have about using the Rubric feature in Blackboard 9.1. The Questions: How should I prepare to create a rubric in Blackboard? How do I enter a rubric in Blackboard? How do I edit the Rubric Grid? How do I associate a rubric with an assessment? […]
I use Camtasia for Mac and Camtasia Relay to make screencasts of syllabi for my online courses. Recording a syllabus is a good use of my time for a couple of reasons. First, a syllabus screencast cuts down on student frustration and the number of questions I get asked during the first week of class. I […]